Fazal Majid's low-intensity blog

Sporadic pontification

Fazal Fazal

What is heard, and what is not heard

French economist Frédéric Bastiat (1801–1850) wrote a pamphlet titled Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas (What is Seen and What is Not Seen) where he demolishes the make-work fallacy in economics. When Jacques Bonhomme’s child breaks his window, paying for a replacement will circulate money in the economy, and stimulate the glassmakers’ trade. This is the visible effect. Bastiat urges us to consider what is not seen, i.e. opportunity costs, such as other, more productive uses for the money that are forgone due to the unexpected expense. This lesson is still relevant. The cost of repairing New Orleans after Katrina, or cleaning the Gulf after Deepwater Horizon, will cause a temporary boost in GDP statistics, but this is illusory and undesirable, another example of how poorly conceived metrics can distort thinking.

Another example is that of electric cars. Advocates for the blind have raised a ruckus about the dangers to blind people from quiet electric cars they cannot hear or dodge. Nissan just announced that their Leaf electric car will include a speaker and deliberately generate noise, in part to comply with the Japanese Transport Ministry’s requirements. To add injury to insult, the sound selected is apparently a sweeping sine wave, a type of sound that is incredibly grating compared to more natural sounds, including that of machinery.

Unfortunately, this is illustrates the fallacy Bastiat pointed out. Authorities are focusing on the visible (well, inaudible) first-order effect, but what is not seen matters as much. Most urban noise stems from transportation, and that noise pollution has major adverse impact on stress levels, sleep hygiene, and causes high blood pressure and cardiac problems from children to adults to the elderly. According to the WHO, for 2006 in the UK alone, an estimated 3,000+ deaths due to heart attacks can be attributed to noise pollution (out of 100,000+).

These figures are mind-boggling. For a country the size of the US, that probably comes around to five  or six 9/11 death tolls per year. Quiet electric cars should be hailed as a blessing, not a danger. There are other ways to address the legitimate concerns of the blind, e.g. by mandating transponders on cars and providing receivers for the blind.


There are streets in Paris commemorating Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.

There are no corresponding streets in Washington D.C., for all that it was designed by a French urbanist, apart from Lafayette Square (it really should be de la Fayette Square). Rochambeau is ignored. Not remembered at all is the man who did the most for the American revolution, and arguably paid for it with his life, Louis XVI.

One month with the iPad

Since I got my iPad six weeks ago, I have only used my MacBook Air once.

I am not going to repeat the extensive reviews posted elsewhere, but after over a month of extensive use, give some perspective for those who don’t get the point of the iPad, or other similar devices.

First of all, commentators have focused on entirely the wrong thing: feeds and speeds, missing features like multitasking or Flash, Apple’s iron fist over app developers. The iPad begins and ends with the user experience, and that means multi-touch and the incredibly long battery life. That’s why comparisons to stylus-driven devices like the unsuccessful Microsoft Tablet PC miss the point. The amazing battery life, specially on standby (I have never managed to go under 60%, even after three days without charging), means you can use it as a real mobile device and not subconsciously watch the battery meter.

Is it a perfect device? Of course not. Mobile Safari has a hard time with complex and heavy pages like those from my Temboz RSS/Atom feed reader, the screen is too prone to reflections and fingerprints, and Apple’s use of high-quality materials like aluminium and glass instead of plastic and acrylic makes it heavier to hold than necessary.

As to whether it is a replacement for a laptop, the answer is yes and no. The iPad is the first in an entirely new class of devices, and I think it has the potential to replace desktop and laptop computers as the dominant form of consumer computing. The touch user interface makes for a very engaging user experience, far more than using a mouse and keyboard ever did. To be sure, the input limitations do not make it a very efficient content creation device, but that’s where opinions diverge.

I use desktop computers for real work (an eight-core Mac Pro with 12G of RAM and a 30″ display at home, a quad-core iMac with a 27″ display at work). A laptop just feels too constricting for extended use. I have the luxury of using proper desktops because I do not travel much for work, and the extent of my mobile use is reading books or browsing the web while commuting by bus. The improvements that most benefit me are in synchronizing my iPad with multiple computers, and offline capability (I got the WiFi model since there is no way I will pay AT&T for their garbage excuse of a network).

Road warriors need a more featured device, even if cramped, and will not be so impressed. I think genuine mobile users are a minority, however. Surveys in the past showed that most laptops are tethered, i.e. users would unplug them from home, take them to work and plug them there, and back. That is why Windows laptop makers introduced monstrosities like Pentium 4 powered laptops with battery lives that barely exceeded the hour. Laptop sales exceeded those of desktops because many people wanted the option of mobility, even if they seldom, if ever, availed themselves of it, and a less obtrusive presence in their homes than the typical beige box with its rat’s warren of cables. Those people would be better served by a well-designed desktop like the iMac and an iPad for the occasional mobile use.

My favorite hamburgers in San Francisco

(updated 2013-04-21)

See also this list of cloth napkin burgers.

  1. Bix
  2. Mission Beach Cafe
  3. Marlowe
  4. Roam
  5. Umami
  6. Slow Club
  7. Magnolia
  8. Mos Grille
  9. Custom Burger
  10. Bistro Burger
  11. Super Duper
  12. In-n-Out

As a bonus, the most overrated burgers:

  1. The Burger Bar in Macys—the Las Vegas one was OK, but the SF one is a wreck, far worse than even a McDonalds, with inedibly gristly meat the one and last time I had the misfortune to go.
  2. Zuni Cafe—the shoestring fries are lovely, but the burger itself blah
  3. Joes Cable Car—OK, but nothing to write home about
  4. Five Guys—this East Coast chain is starting to make an appearance in the Peninsula (they have a location at Tanforan), it’s OK but I can’t understand the rave reviews

Strange X11 behavior in Snow Leopard 10.6.3

After updating OS X on my work iMac, I noticed XEmacs and DDD take about 30 seconds to launch, behavior I did not see before the upgrade, and do not see at home either. The 30 seconds are suspiciously similar to a name lookup timeout—I am dependent on whatever lame excuse for a DNS caching server is used in my landlord’s 2WIRE router, whereas I run unbound at home.

Sure enough, running a packet trace shows strange DNS lookups:

tellann:src root# tcpdump udp port 53
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on en0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
13:18:51.819226 IP tellann.58811 > home.domain: 5470+ A? tellann.gateway.2wire.net. (43)
13:18:51.840258 IP home.domain > tellann.58811: 5470* 1/1/1 A (150)
13:18:51.841196 IP tellann.58057 > home.domain: 18746+ A? /tmp/launch-4UITkL/org.x.gateway.2wire.net. (60)
13:18:51.870233 IP home.domain > tellann.58057: 18746 Refused*- 0/0/0 (512)
13:18:52.842654 IP tellann.58057 > home.domain: 18746+ A? /tmp/launch-4UITkL/org.x.gateway.2wire.net. (60)
13:18:52.865696 IP home.domain > tellann.58057: 18746 Refused*- 0/0/0 (512)

The code>DISPLAY environment variable has changed to:

tellann ~>echo $DISPLAY

Before 10.6.3, it did not have the org.x bit. This whole approach of using a DISPLAY set to point to a UNIX domain socket was set up by Apple to allow launching X11.app on demand when a X client is run, but obviously many clients make the incorrect assumption that the part before the :0 display number is a hostname if it has a dot in it, and this is biting us.

The solution is simple: just set DISPLAY to :0 prior to launching XEmacs or DDD, and presto—no more delays, e.g:

env DISPLAY=:0 xemacs&