Fazal Majid's low-intensity blog

Sporadic pontification

Fazal Fazal

Where is the Flip of digicams?

Last week, I helped an aunt of my wife pick a digital camera. She is a community activist, and used a wonderful Olympus OM-1 until it gave up the ghost, then a not-so-wonderful Kodak Advantix APS camera, but it is becoming hard to find film processing labs in India. The mere act of taking a photo tends to deter the kind of misbehavior she fights against. You would think she would be afraid of being assaulted for taking a photo, but this is a person who discusses death threats made against her as matter of fact.

I ended up recommending a Panasonic Lumix LZ8 as that was the model DPReview recommended in its budget camera group test and fit within her 5,000 to 6,000 rupees budget. It is a decent camera, if not particularly sexy, but it has far too many buttons and options, and I can see how a digital photography novice like her might be overwhelmed.

Pure Digital took 13% of the camcorder market with the Flip, a radically minimalist device that is simple to use. There doesn’t seem to be a similar equivalent for still cameras. Such a camera should really have auto-everything, only four buttons (on/off, shoot, play and delete) and a zoom rocker. Interestingly, digital SLRs come closer to this than most compact digicams because they do not have a record/play modal interface, and use shooting priority instead (the better compacts also offer this).

Vignettes from India

I have been in Bombay for a week now. Traffic snarl-ups are a reality of life here, and enterprising hawkers flog magazines to passengers caught in traffic jams.

According to my wife, one of the publications they sell is “ee-keya” – Ikea catalogs. The thing is, Ikea does not (yet) have a presence in India. What people do is buy the catalog, then ask their carpenters to reproduce the furniture therein. It seems Ikea design is quite prestigious here…

The second most important digital photography purchase

Is a monitor color calibrator…

I can’t understand people who spend thousands of dollars on expensive lenses, tripods, memory cards and other accessories but neglect to calibrate their monitors so the colors they are seeing in screen are what the digital values actually stand for. Calibrators can be had for under $100 nowadays, and combination monitor/printer calibrators like the ColorMunki or the PrintFIX Pro go for under $500, there is no reason for any serious photographer not to have one.

Public Service Announcement

I am sick and tired of product introductions dubbed “HD” because they support 720p (yes, I am looking at you, Nikon D90 and Flip Mino HD).

HD starts at 1080p. Deal with it.

My bank owns my notebook

It has come to my attention today that Société Générale, my bank in France (yes, they of the €5B rogue trader loss), acquired the makers of Moleskine notebooks in 2006 for the not inconsiderable sum of €60M.