Fazal Majid's low-intensity blog

Sporadic pontification

Fazal Fazal

Racking up the miles

In November, I have flown from San Francisco to London, back to San Francisco, on to Auckland, Queenstown, Wellington, Auckland, back to San Francisco, Houston, back to Oakland. When combined with my upcoming trip to Bombay, I will have traveled 70,000 kilometers, or nearly twice the circumference of the Earth…

Four legs bad, three legs good

In politics, the tripod is the most unstable of all structures.

Frank Herbert, Dune

One day, the manufacturers of dining tables will finally discover that four-legged tables are guaranteed to wobble, and opt for stabler tripod or monopods instead.

Cats and dogs

It is a paradox of Franco-German relations that German Chancellors of the center-left get on better with French Presidents of the center-right and vice versa. Helmut Schmidt worked hand in hand with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, but had little rapport with François Mitterrand (then again, Schmidt never suffered fools gladly). Mitterrand in turn had an excellent relationship with Helmut Kohl, who did not get well with Jacques Chirac. Chirac had some differences with Gerhard Schröder, but saw mostly eye to eye with him. Neither Chirac nor Nicolas Sarkozy seem to have much chemistry with Angela Merkel.

Breakfast of Popes

When I was a kid living in the forsaken wasteland that is Saudi Arabia, my father’s company would pay for one trip back to France each year. One treat my parents would give us on those trips back home, my brother and I, would be to take us to a café and get us each one of those old-fashioned teardrop-shaped bottles of Orangina. To this day, I still associate it with the taste of home.

At one point ten years ago, the owners of Orangina had agreed to sell it to Coca-Cola. This naturally raised an uproar and the deal was axed on antitrust grounds. Unfortunately, the brand has not been very well managed or marketed since and has lost much of its market share in France.

The chief quality of Orangina is that it is made with 14% fruit, unlike the synthetic garbage Coca-Cola or Pepsi sell, e.g. Fanta. It is interesting to note that in Italy, all fruit sodas are required by law to have at least 12.5% fruit content, so even Fanta is actually drinkable there.

One Italian resident who was a fan of Orangina is Mgr Ratzinger, now known as Pope Benedict XVI. At the end of his day’s work, prior to being elevated as Pope, he used to walk back home, stopping for the odd photo pose at the request of passing tourists, return to his apartment, enjoy a glass of Orangina and play Mozart on the piano for half an hour.